- Kevin Chao
- Darrell Shandro
- Horizons for the Blind product catalog with several books in braille and large print
- APH Braille Books for purchase
- National Braille Press
- Revolutionizing accessible eTextBooks: CourseSmart and ATN to make 80% of its top-selling texts more accessible
- Department of Education Awards 1.1 million dollar Grant to CourseSmart, AMAC and ATN for eTextbook Rental Program
- Top-selling texts more accessible
- Amazon Releases Kindle for PC with Accessibility Enhancements
- Kindle Accessibility Shortcuts
- Kindle Help Page
- Email
- More people are reading books via Kindle: Amazon Kindle books outselling paperbacks
- Amazon Kindle 3 released with some accessibility, more needed
- Amazon Jumps On E-Book Lending Bandwagon
- Converting files to different formats in iTunes
- Balabolka vonverts text files to various audio formats
- is this the beginning of the end for print books? Borders Files for Bankruptcy
- blindBargains Interview with AI Squared on the Forthcoming ZoomReader
- Be Notified When Read2Go App for iOS Devices Becomes Available
- RFB&D ReadHear Software for PC and Mac
- Visit the Blog and Podcast for the Latest Access Technology Information
- Email Your Comments, Suggestions, and Ideas for Future Tech Chats and Podcast Segments
- Download iBlink Radio, Free App for the iPhone, with Radio Stations and Podcasts Created by the blind, Radio Information Service and audio Tutorials!
- DocuScan Plus Afordable and Powerful OCR Solution
- Serotek Corporation - System Access Screen reader, SAMNet, docuScan Plus, Remote Incident Manager, iBlink for the iPhone, and Accessible Event
- Try a Free Fully Functional Seven Day Trial of System Access and SAMNet Today by going to
- AccessibleEvent Makes Meetings and Webinars Accessible to the blind, Deaf, and Deaf-Blind
Braille Books for Sale
Accessible eTextBooks
Amazon Kindle for PC
Making Your Own Books from Text Files
Will Print Books Become a Thing of the Past
Tech Chats Made Possible Through Technology from Serotek Corporation