SeroTalk Tech Chat


  1. Kevin Chao
  2. Darrell Shandro
  3. Braille Books for Sale

  4. Horizons for the Blind product catalog with several books in braille and large print
  5. APH Braille Books for purchase
  6. National Braille Press
  7. Accessible eTextBooks

  8. Revolutionizing accessible eTextBooks: CourseSmart and ATN to make 80% of its top-selling texts more accessible
  9. Department of Education Awards 1.1 million dollar Grant to CourseSmart, AMAC and ATN for eTextbook Rental Program
  10. Top-selling texts more accessible
  11. Amazon Kindle for PC

  12. Amazon Releases Kindle for PC with Accessibility Enhancements
  13. Kindle Accessibility Shortcuts
  14. Kindle Help Page
  15. Email
  16. More people are reading books via Kindle: Amazon Kindle books outselling paperbacks
  17. Amazon Kindle 3 released with some accessibility, more needed
  18. Amazon Jumps On E-Book Lending Bandwagon
  19. Making Your Own Books from Text Files

  20. Converting files to different formats in iTunes
  21. Balabolka vonverts text files to various audio formats
  22. Will Print Books Become a Thing of the Past

  23. is this the beginning of the end for print books? Borders Files for Bankruptcy
  24. blindBargains Interview with AI Squared on the Forthcoming ZoomReader
  25. Be Notified When Read2Go App for iOS Devices Becomes Available
  26. RFB&D ReadHear Software for PC and Mac
  27. Tech Chats Made Possible Through Technology from Serotek Corporation

  28. Visit the Blog and Podcast for the Latest Access Technology Information
  29. Email Your Comments, Suggestions, and Ideas for Future Tech Chats and Podcast Segments
  30. Download iBlink Radio, Free App for the iPhone, with Radio Stations and Podcasts Created by the blind, Radio Information Service and audio Tutorials!
  31. DocuScan Plus Afordable and Powerful OCR Solution
  32. Serotek Corporation - System Access Screen reader, SAMNet, docuScan Plus, Remote Incident Manager, iBlink for the iPhone, and Accessible Event
  33. Try a Free Fully Functional Seven Day Trial of System Access and SAMNet Today by going to
  34. AccessibleEvent Makes Meetings and Webinars Accessible to the blind, Deaf, and Deaf-Blind
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