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Good Evening It's Thursday April 21, 2011 at 9:04 PM
The blind geek zone is an ever expanding web site that contains a valuable source of information for the blind community. Whether you are a geek or just someone in search of help, the zone will quickly become one of your favorite web sites.
Here on the blind geek zone I have many audio tutorials and demonstrations of many different programs and devices used everyday by people in the blind community. I have many audio tutorials covering many popular software programs such as Nero Burning Rom, Goldwave, Outlook Express and others. I have tutorials about the new Windows 7 operating system by Microsoft that will give you a early start at coming to grips with this new and complex operating system. I also post audio files from others here as well to help cover all your needs.
I also have many useful documents and programs that I have found from across the internet and I have found to be very useful and have posted them here for your convenience. I have an expanding list of links to many great sources of information for the blind computer user. I also have many links to mailing list for you to join so that you can get help on many different things or just meet new people.
I am now also offering customized one on one software training and technical support for very reasonable rates. So if you are in need of training or tech support then check out the training and support section of the site. I am now also offering web site development for those of you looking to have a web site developed for you at reasonable rates.
Next show: Keep checking here for details. This will be a shoutcast stream you can listen to with winamp and other players. I'll be doing live shows and much more.
Click on the player of your choice below to tune in. If the player gives you an error or you don't hear any audio, the most likely cause is that the stream just is not currently up and streaming at the present time. If after clicking on the player link below, you recieve a open / save dialog, choose open so that your player can begin streaming.
Livecast show 1 archive: here
Livecast show 2 archive: here
Livecast show 3 archive: here
Livecast show 4 archive: here
The Blind Geek Zone chat room is being generously provided by . If you are in need of professional voice and video chat services, then be sure to contact talking communities for all of your web conferencing needs.
Our room will seat 10 people at a time. I'll be having various events in the room, so check here often for information.
No meetings are planned at this time.
To use the chat room you will have to download a small program that you will find on the next page. You will be prompted for a user name and password to enter the room. The password is not required and can be left blank. The user name can be any name of your choosing, such as your first and last name. Please click here. to enter the chat room.
Let Google help you find it.
Audio Tutorials, Podcasts and Demos. Here you will find various audio files to download and listen to at your convenience allowing you to learn about new things. There are many demonstrations of hardware and software products here on the web site for you to listen to before you go out and buy them. There are many audio tutorials by myself and others here that cover many different programs and devices. There are tutorials on Windows 7, Vista, Outlook Express, Goldwave, Nero Burning ROM, Skype and others. There are many tutorials for doing maintenance on your computer. There are tutorials that will help you do an unattended installation of your operating system. I also record my BGZ podcasts where I talk about things going on here with me and in the community. I hope you will find something here that will help you to learn about something new that will allow you to be more productive and independant. This section is updated regularly, so check back often for updates. New files added on 04/13/2011
I have a podcast feed for my BGZ podcast so you can download the latest BGZ podcasts directly into your pod catcher. If you want to do this, then copy the following link into your pod catcher of choice:
Or you can click on this link and subscribe to the bgz podcast feed.
Podcast feed updated on: Wednesday, April 13 2011
Program Files. Here you will find various useful programs, utilities and scripts that I have found to be very useful. I will add more files as I find them. If you have any programs that you have found to be useful and you would like me to have here, please let me know. Files last added on 01/09/2011.
Documents. Here I have posted some useful text and .pdf files that I have found across the internet for you to download. If you have any that you feel would be useful to others here, please let me know. Updated on 3/16/10
Web Links to various blindness related pages. There are now nearly 200 links to various places around the web. I have links to podcasts, audio related sites, web blogs and other informational sites, friends sites, programming sites, HTML tutorial and coding Sites, accessible games, screen readers, scripts and utilities as well as shopping web sites for lots of blind tech goodies. Updated on 03/16/2010
Mailing list links to various blindness related mailing lists on the internet. Mailing lists are a great way to get all your questions answered and they are a great way to make new friends all over the world. Last updated on 4/6/2011
if you are interested in one on one customized software training or knowledgeable and friendly tech support at very reasonable rates. Rates starting at just $15 per hour for either training or technical support. Now also offering web site development in addition to training and technical support. So check the training and support page for details.
if you are interested in making a contribution to the BGZ web site. The donations go towards keeping the web site going and to purchase new software and hardware to do tutorials on.
You can also follow me at Twitter.com Twitter is an online community where you can chat with friends and follow what they are doing on the computer or on the go. So join the twitter revolution and follow me there.
You can get updates about the BGZ website such as new podcasts before they are even posted officially here by following BlindGeekZone on Twitter.
You can also get in touch with me at Facebook. My facebook link is: here.
Wonder what inspires me to run BGZ? Well here is a email from someone that makes it all very clear. This email deeply touched me and I thought I'd share it with everyone.
Hi Rick,
My son Wyatt has been writing you. I wanted to let you know that I appreciate you taking the time and writing him back. Wyatt is only 12 years old and has really been on the internet only since this summer. The Texas School for the Blind tech instructor came out and set up a screen reader for him. Wyatt is a big fan of yours. For Christmas he got an iPod Shuffle and I spent all Christmas day downloading and synching just about every podcast you have made. Through your podcasts you have given Wyatt information that makes him feel confident enough to try out new things. I am learning right along with him what is out here for the visually impaired community. We try out differnt software programs and Wyatt has even figured out how to download and install them himself. With your help he has introduced me to a whole world of technology that even as a parent of a blind child I didn't know existed.
I guess I just wanted to say kudos to you for taking the time to create your website and all those podcasts. You really are in inspiration to Wyatt who is turning into something of a blind geek himself.
Web site last updated on: Wednesday, April 13 2011
© 2006 - 2011 Blind geek zone